
Based on La Source (France 1968)

On the farm most animals feel calm
But Horse has a face so long
Horse cries all night by Fish’s pond
And softly weeps behind the barn

Horse has a job, Horse has nice shoes
So then why does Horse feel despair?
Horse has Donkey and little Mule
So then why does Horse have nightmares?

Though Horse tries to keep her woe secret
She knows they’ll all learn today
Donkey or young Mule will soon find her
In the stable, over the hay
Where the draught will make her sway

On the farm most animals feel calm
But Horse borrowed from the mob
Horse loved to shop at the shoe store
Till spending sprees maxed out her cards

Horse knows she can’t cope for much longer
Horse cries for Mule but not Donkey
Longingly he stares at Fat Hog
When Horse kicks the can, Donkey won’t grieve

Cow will say after Horse is gone:
“Horse seemed so stable.” Sheep agrees
Has Horse gone mad, can she be stopped?
Nay, Horse is alone in misery
Not even Worm knows how low she feels

On the farm most animals feel calm
But Horse is about to bolt
Across the farm Fly battles Frog
As shrivelled Sheep tries on Lamb’s scarf

Broken by Donkey’s love affairs
And mounting debts she could not pay
Finally Horse has reached the end
Now starts Mule’s bleak pony tale

Mule walks up to the equine shed
The door ajar, Mule takes a peek
Once the young foal sights the old mare
Childhood ends for Mule instantly
What Mule’s seen cannot be unseen

On the farm most animals feel calm
As Horse in the light breeze rocks
Mule stares in shock, innocence lost
And much more grief is still to come

Mule stares in shock, innocence lost
As Donkey weeps behind the barn…