COWKUKAOS! For Dummies |
Based on Anna Järvinen - Porslin
Foreword (not meant to be sung) Despite the in-lyric instructions, it became apparent that some voters never understood how Haiku Schlager was supposed to fit. The art of haiku-fitting is, however, fairly simple. Eurovision songs that actually have repeated instances of seven-syllable lines surrounded by two five-syllable lines are scarce or nonexistent. Hence we have to settle for less. Find a seven-syllable line, place the middle line of the haiku there, and pray that the haiku doesn't begin or end too awkwardly. Voilà! Purists frown upon this practice, but purism is lame and haikus are cool. We! Will! Not! Succumb! This illustrative guide will hold you by the hand and lead you through the Estonian Cowgirl reprise COWKUKAOS!1, set to Anna Järvinen's Porslin (MF 2013). On the right-hand side, you will find the reprise; on the left-hand side, the corresponding part of the original lyrics. Any syllable count oddities are explained in the footnotes (btw, far more liberties have been taken than were in Haiku Schlager). Come on! Together we can do it!
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I2 tjugo år Har vi haft varann …in i mig Ja, du och jag har Filat ner varann …utav dig Förvånar mig hur snabbt det faktiskt går Så du, vi kör väl …står helt still Och du-u3, minns du? -te jag En otrohet Och ett fyllebråk …in och ut Så sakta då Som det faktiskt går …mot din kind Men jag har tryckt bort värre känslor än de här Så du, vi kör väl? …dess lugn Och du-u3, ser du? …är för mig A-a-a… …a-a-a-a-a …a-a-a
You asked for this Cows are trained to kill Heed my words You can't escape, see: When you least expect This is true Intrigued by how a cowgirl can recruit? Cows are unflinching It's a farce Oh, Cowie Daisy Beware! Spectacular! We're unfazeable We don't care I'm warning you: We will sit on you Cos we won't You're inferior, now the bovines rule the world How come? You wonder A ruse My army, say moo! Don't be sad A coda: All good things must end That's all, folks!
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