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Semi 4

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Semi 4 Mp3s: unbase or sendspace zip, or esnips


8) The Gardening Kind

Based on: Sweden 07 The Worrying Kind


Plants - I like to breed them
Lawns - I like to weed them
Make a paradise from the grime
And sometimes you’ll find
I grow ferns on the blinds
You see, baby, I’m the gardening kind

Trees - I have to nurse them
Moles - I have to curse them
warned them with a sign but they’re blind
And I turn on the hose
While I stir the compost
See, baby, I’m the gardening kind

So if you see me out there
With a leaf in my hair
And some pansies and peas round my thighs
Don’t bring me a comb and don’t call me a gnome or botanical priest
Cause I won’t care!

I’m just a funny old man with a sense for a scent
Just a sucker for the power of a succulent
Cause I feel wide awake
When I see SpiderBrake
So I’m saying to you all: be green for gardners sake!

Birds - I like to feed them
Snails - I like to greet them
Meet them and then kick their behind
And why? Well you know,
I see seeds, so I sow
Cause, baby, I’m the gardening kind

So if you see me out there
With a rose in my hair
And some daffodils blocking my sight
Don’t say I’m a clown or the talk of the town or a dwarf at the least
Cause I won’t care!

I’m just a funny old man with a sense for a scent
Just a sucker for the power of a succulent
And I feel wide awake
When I see Spider Brake
So I’m saying to you all: be green for gardners sake!

Grades - I never got them
Dates - so I forgot them
Found a paradise in the  grime
And why? Well, you’ll know
When you stir the compost
Why, baby, I’m the gardening kind

When I tickle your nose
And you think, it’s a rose
Then, baby, you’re the gardening kind

Yeah, eating our thyme
Drives us out of our minds
Baby, we’re the gardening kind

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