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Semi 4

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Semi 4 Mp3s: unbase or sendspace zip, or esnips


9) If You'd Placed That Bet

Based on: Iceland 05 If I Had Your Love


If you’d placed a bet
On Macedonia qualifying
You’d be rich, on the beach, such good life
Flying high on weed

You’d be blind drunk, happy, happy
No more need to whine, whine, whine
Cause you know they always qualify

If you’d placed that bet
You might stop your screams
Basking in the sun…drinking gin!
If you’d placed that bet
You could fly to Oz
First class sure enough
…if you’d placed that bet!

Oh…if next year you fail
Beating yourself till you drop dead
Might just help, cause come on man, you know well

If you’d placed that bet
Bye conspiracy
Fighting about votes…drama queens!
If you’d placed that bet
You could fly to Oz
First class sure enough
…if you’d placed that bet!

*sigh sigh sigh*

If you’d placed that bet
All this East-West thing
Would have been resolved
Oh yeah…

If you’d placed that bet
I’m sure you’d hear the screams
But it’s time to stop…then drink gin!
If you’d placed that bet
You could fly to Oz
First class sure enough
….if you’d placed that bet!

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