

22) Library Woes

Based on: UK 1965 - I Belong


I belong, I belong, I belong

For all my life, I've been a member
But I've owed fines since last September

And now they've told this young scholar:
"You can't get books, you bad mong"
But I shout and I holler:
"I belong, I belong, I belong"

The book behind my crime so heinous:
"Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"

And still my ban is persisting
But it's so hard to move on
So I'll keep on insisting:
"I belong, I belong, I belong"

Too many weeks slipped away
The fine cost ten cents per day
And they ripped my member's card in two
Punishment for being overdue

At last I paid, and from now on
My sins are cleansed, my shame is gone

And now my life has recovered
From borrowing that went wrong
And I scream at my lover:
"I belong, I belong, I belong"

"I beloooooong"

